Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Car Repair Prices: Why Your Oil Change Is Never Just An Oil Change

For a repair shop, there is little profit in the $29.95 oil change. By the time a shop pays its technician, pays for the oil, the filter, and the hazardous waste disposal fees, theres no money left.

This low profit margin is worsened by the extremely competitive Quick Lube business, which forces local repair shops to refrain from raising prices, despite rising costs.

This all begs the question: If oil change specials, which range from $15.95 to $29.95, clearly produce very low profits, then why do so many service facilities advertise oil change specials?

The answer is actually very simple: It gets you in the door. Service centers know that once they have your vehicle, they can sell you additional work.

Suggesting additional work is called upselling, and its a primary profit tactic of every service facility.

Heres a typical example. You drop your vehicle off for just an oil change. Upon completion your service representative smiles and proudly states, We noticed that your air filter was dirty; so we popped in a new one. You may think "Great; what wonderful service!

What really occurred is that you were casually upsold an air filter. It probably wasnt needed; it certainly wasnt replaced according to any factory recommendation, and you were definitely overcharged for what was most likely a poorly-fitting, aftermarket, inferior air filter.

Heres a real-life example that occurred recently. This particular vehicle had 54,000 miles on it, and was dropped off at a local shop for just an oil change. Upon paying the bill, the customer was handed an estimate for $199 to replace his air filter and top radiator hose.

Shocked at the price, he called me.

After review, I found that the air filter suggestion was premature. It didnt need replacement until the manufacturers recommended 60,000-mile service interval. The top hose was also premature. In fact, it did not need replacement at all, despite a very minor problem easily addressed during the factory maintenance scheduleat no extra cost.

Check out the aftermarket part prices quoted below (including the unnecessary radiator hose). Compare these to the manufacturers suggested retail price (MSRP) for the factory OEM parts (Original Equipment Manufacturer).

Local Shop Aftermarket Air Filter: $32
Manufacturer OEM Filter, MSRP: $17

Local Shop Aftermarket Top Hose: $36
Manufacturer OEM Top Hose, MSRP: $19

Notice that this local shop was doubling the price of the OEM parts with its inferior aftermarket parts.

Now, lets look at the labor time quoted.

Local Shop Labor Time: 2.0 @ $60 per hour = $120
Manufacturer Labor Time: 0.9 @ $60 per hour = $81

Notice that the shop labor time estimate for the repairs was 2 hours. This is more than "twice" the manufacturers recommendations (even after calculating manufacturer times against the industry standard multiplier).

Had the local shop abided by the vehicles particular maintenance intervals instead of trying to make a quick buck, it should have recommended a 60,000-mile service at the next visit. This would have better served the client, saved him $199, and maintained the vehicle properly.

Instead, the service center lost a customer, forever!

What needs to be made crystal clear is that this type of price-gouging occurs every day in every type of service facility in one form or another across the automotive service industry.

This type of price-gouging is considered normal!

Theodore P. Olson (Ted) Solutions. Cathlene Blog55567
Cathyleen Blog31233

Backup Data On Your Laptop

You would be surprised to learn the quantum of data on laptops which have been irretrievably lost. Yet we dont take time off to create essential backups on our laptops.

Lets face it - a computer is not a hundred percent trustworthy machine. The hard drive can crash, laptops get misplaced or dropped rendering it useless. To make sure that our precious information that is stored is never lost forever, we must keep back ups of the information stored.

Did you know that over the past years, over a million of laptops have been stolen in the United States alone ? when a laptop is stolen, chances are that it will never be found. In that case, the owner is not only without a laptop, but also without any information!

Back up data is all the more important if you have business information stored in your computer. Like desktop computers where you can create back ups, you can create back ups in your laptop as well. Using online services, remote back up operations, or many other methods are available which help you to store back up information on your laptop.

One of the best ways to store data is to burn a data CD. These data CDs have 700 MB memory space, which can hold a lot of data and files. To do this you need a CD/RW burner built in to your laptop. Most of the newer models carry this facility.

The biggest drawback of laptops is that the storage capacity and security system is not as proficient as a desktop. Since desktops are more powerful, they can store data, including backups in a jiffy.

Laptops were designed for people on the move so the idea of keeping back up data never crossed anyones mind. When it does occur, it is perhaps too late.

As already mentioned the quickest and simplest way to create back up for your laptop is to use online back up services. Based on the speed of your internet connection, the operation can take from several minutes to several hours. Though the process is time consuming, but it is worth your while as at the end of the day, you are left safe and secure.

Keeping a back up data is always safe whether you use a laptop for personal or official use. Try and create your back ups at least once a month or more often, depending on the quantity of information you store everyday.

Daniel Travers is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Blog78089
Cassey Blog30146

Custom Software Development Checklist

Custom database software development is facilitated by the use of a checklist of standard questions to be answered before a system is created, and before analysis begins. This checklist is provided to assist in the Analysis/Requirements phase of a new custom software development project.

If you are interested in having 21st Century Technologies, Inc. create a new system for you, then the following checklist and the associated answers will facilitate the analysis process. The answers can be e-mailed or faxed to us at the email address and fax number at the bottom of the page.


1. Desired delivery date or proposed project schedule.
2. Business reason for, and urgency of project.
3. What are the cost constraints?
4. Use cases - description of how each group of users will be using the system.
a. General business process - web user will buy a product, web user will add a customer, web user will add contact information, etc.
b. Input/Output - web users will enter data into forms, data will be imported, administrator must run many management reports, administrator needs to export to Excel and text, etc.
c. Frequency of activity - many times each day, once daily, weekly, etc.
d. Cycles of activity - weekly sales reports to all sales managers on Monday morning, close books at end of year, etc.


1. Do you have a desired development tool or technology in mind? You may want to split the application into some parts that can be run on a Windows workstation computer, while other parts (like reports, or timecard entry screens) are accessed via a web browser on your local intranet. Web applications and reports can be viewed on all computer types and operating systems that are capable of viewing web pages. Some tools currently available to build the system are listed here:
a. C#/VB.NET
c. Active Server Pages or Cold Fusion for robust database driven Web applications
d. ColdFusion
e. Visual Basic
f. SQL Server
g. MS Access
h. JavaScript - for cross browser compatibility,
i. VBScript - for server scripting, and client scripting if Internet Explorer is the only client browser
j. Dreamweaver - for higher ended client functionality
k. SQL Server Reporting Services
l. Crystal Reports - for Windows and Web based reports
m. ActiveReports
n. Excel
o. PowerPoint
p. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Systems - dial 1 for English, 2 for Spanish...
2. If other applications are involved (MS Word, MS Excel, QuickBooks, etc.), what version will be used?
3. Desired screen resolution (800x600, 1024x768, etc.),
4. Screen Size (15", 17", 19, 21")
5. Preferred Font and size (Arial 10, Times New Roman 12, etc.)?
6. Target Windows version for each client computer in the system (98, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, 2003 Server, etc.),
7. Web Server MS Internet Information Services (IIS), Apache, etc.
8. Target computer Operating System if not a Windows Platform - Apple, Unix, Linux, etc.
9. Target workstation hardware for all client stations,
a. Clock speed 1333, 1500, 2000, 3000, etc. MHz,
b. Hard drive space 100, 200, 400, etc. Gbytes,
c. RAM 128Mb, 256Mb, 512Mb, 1Gb, etc.
10. If a network application, which network and version? Windows, Novell 3.1, Novell, etc.
11. What are the drive letters for the networked back end databases if a network application? F, G, H, etc.? This reduces the deployment effort by developing in the same environment as the target workstations.
12. If available and pertinent, please provide a network configuration diagram with paths to server (where database will reside) and all clients, security/user groups, etc.
13. Is 24x7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) uptime required? If so, please explain the business need. We will discuss this further. The cost goes up as more uptime is required. More resources are needed - various personnel on pagers, redundant computers or components like power supplies RAID or mirrored hard drives, etc.
14. Is Internet/Intranet data access desired?
a. For data entry?
b. For report reviewing only?
c. To disseminate existing documents?
d. To email notification of pre-determined business trigger events (project milestone met and approved, employee appraisal ready for approval, etc.)?
15. Is Security desired?
a. Extremely high network (Internet) security - firewall, proxy server, etc.
b. Database level security - MS Access has security, but SQL Server has a much tighter security model tied in with the Win 2000/NT operating system.
c. Application level security
d. Minimum (pseudo) security algorithm low cost
e. Please specify User Groups that may have special Security needs requiring different levels of security:
i. Administrative Assistants
ii. Analysts
iii. Engineers
iv. Managers
v. Company Owners
vi. System Administrators
16. Are Backup Scenarios currently in place? Backups will be an integral component of the system. The importance of this cannot be over emphasized.
a. Daily, Weekly, Monthly onto tape
b. Daily, Weekly, Monthly onto CD or other optical drive
c. Onto another computer
d. Regular backups located at a remote site
17. Are Anti-Virus protection and policies in place? It is an important part of ensuring that a system stays up and running.
18. Will remote troubleshooting be desired? The addition of Error Processing and Logging software will facilitate remote support and troubleshooting.
19. Desired Documentation?
a. None
b. Installation
c. User
d. Administrator
e. Software
f. On-line help
g. Special
h. All of the above
20. What is the proficiency level of all users for the target tools and environments Windows, Excel, etc.?
21. Will interfaces to other systems (accounting, payroll, another database, GIS, truck routing, etc.) be required? This will affect the data model and system configuration, so early planning for these interfaces is critical to their successful inclusion into the system.
22. Is an audit trail function desired for changes to existing data? What parts of the system will need to be audited?
23. Is government reporting or data security required Sarbanes Oxley, HIPAA, etc.
24. Number of reports. A sample hardcopy or at least hand drawing of each will significantly help in determination of report prices and commonalties (company headers, formats, etc.). Important items are:
a. Number of sections including sort groups,
b. Definition of the source data for all fields in each section and their calculation method,
c. Summaries,
d. Desired output format:
i. Windows screen preview
ii. HTML
iii. E-Mail
iv. PDF
v. Delimited Text
vi. Excel spreadsheet
vii. Other outputs
25. Is an ad hoc user-defined reporting, data retrieval, or analysis (On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP), Data Mining, etc.) capability desired?
26. Is an installation program needed for distribution of an application to many users?
27. Is an automated network or internet installation desired?
28. Are custom point to point communications needed? This may also include automated faxing.
29. Special Considerations:
a. Unique business rules, calculations, desired warnings, etc.
b. Significant text parsing
c. Known or possible issues and problems that may be alleviated with testing
d. Voice driven capability
e. Multiple databases (Access and SQL Server, Oracle, etc.)


1. How many users are expected on the system in the near (first 6 months) and long (1 3 years and past) term?
2. How many users are expected to use the system at the same time during peak periods in the near and long term?
3. What type of data traffic will be on the network for the near and long term - numbers, text, images, video, multi-media, etc.?
4. What is the expected volume of traffic for the near and long term?
5. What is the estimated number of data records to be stored for the near and long term?
6. Do we need to import data from existing files or systems? Note that Characters like " # have special significance in data processing and conversion, and require special code handling. Names (DJoy) and other data fields may contain these characters.
a. No. Example data will usually be provided in database, text, or spreadsheet format. This helps significantly in system testing and allows for error discovery and error trapping before the system is delivered.
b. Yes.
i. Is all or part of the existing data needed? What parts?
ii. Can use of the existing data be stopped while we convert the data into the new system?
iii. Is this a one time data conversion, or will we have to import data from existing systems regularly?
iv. Are some fields mostly blank?
v. Are some desired fields missing?

Michael A. Cordova is the President of 21st Century Technologies, Inc. Contact him at:Cahra Blog75298
Anny Blog84185

Tips For Finding Affordable Health Insurance

One of the most important things in our lives is finding an affordable health insurance, and its better to get it as soon as possible. Illness is never welcome, bad but without an insurance plan it may become disastrous. Imagine how fast the bills will pile up if you get sick, and if you do not have a good coverage, how are you going to pay them? And if you think a bit further, apart from being bankrupt, in the worst scenario the lack of a decent health insurance can even lead to a lethal end. You know how expensive all the treatments are, especially for the more serious diseases, and if you dont get those on time because you can not afford them the situation becomes very bad. In the end once it is too late, it really is and no one can change that.

I am going to tell you this story, because I want to help as many people as possible not to make the mistake my cousin made. She actually never considered even looking for an affordable health insurance, thinking that she is still healthy enough and too young to go for that option. But out of nowhere her condition changed rapidly, and after ignoring it for some time she finally took notice of it. Unfortunately it proved to be cancer, and she couldnt afford the expensive treatments. The whole family tried helping her, they were organizing fund raisings for her, helped her with money of their own, etc. while the only thing she needed was an affordable health care plan. She didnt get it on time and despite her being so positive about starting one now, it was already late. Being sick she had the so called prior condition, meaning that no company will cover treatment for a disease she already had.

What more convincing and important reason do you need in order to get an affordable health insurance. You just have to start searching and not to give up until you find the right one for you, speaking of affordable ones, the best choice usually is to get one thats through your employer. Its very simple big employers get big quantities, and for quantities they get discounts, so they can provide you with a much cheaper health care plan than the ones you could get yourself. Its different when you are self-employed. Then it is harder to get an affordable one and you usually end up paying quite a lot for the same type of coverage.

However there are ways to get over this obstacle also. You can for example run a group health insurance with other self-employed people, then it will be pretty much as cheap as if you were getting it from an employer. No matter how difficult it may be, just make sure to get one, one way or another you must have an affordable health insurance, so that even if it makes your life a bit harder, you will be pretty sure that you have that same life protected and your expenses covered in case something happens.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning family. Learn more at Blog86872
Celia Blog26522

Internet Marketing Online: The Email Marketing Strategy

Email marketing has its many benefits. This internet marketing strategy is not really emphasized on as many internet marketers are more focused on traffic generation and website optimization. What they do not realise is how powerful emails are. This particular brand of power online can give you miracles in ways you won't imagine.


To give out emails, you will first need an auto-responder. An auto-responder is a service that you can use to build up on your list and send out emails to them in a specific time. For example, when someone subscribes to your list, he/she will automatically receive a thank you email from you and receives the first newsletter. This service is useful because it allows you to type in all your emails and send them out in sequence, e.g. You have eight emails you'd like to give your customers and you can organize them into being sent out as one per week. There are good auto-responder services out there that businesses use such as Aweber and GetResponse.

Opt-In List

When you want visitors to part with their name and email addresses to you, you have to prove that you are worthy to receive them. Prove to them that you are qualified in giving them what they are looking for. Let's say there's a fisherman who comes into your fishing website in order to learn the techniques of how to fish better. You can provide him wih an e-book on how to fish better if he opts into your list.

Managing Great Content

Make your customers look forward to your emails. Give them free gifts, techniques and advice that makes them inspired to learn more from you and trust you with their money. Referring back to the previous example of giving a free fishing book to your customer, you can wait for about a week, and after he has liked your book and trusted your judgement, you can advertise to him a certain product that can help him fish better. Do focus on customer behaviour. Customers very seldom buy products when they first get to know about it. They need a certain amount of time to think it through. All the more, you can emphasize on the product in your next email if they haven't bought it.

Email Format

The title or subject of the email should be something that catches the reader's attention. It is proven that names work very well in making people read the emails sent to them. For example, "Ben! Look what I've got for Christmas!"

As for the body copy, the research team at did an email campaign that increased sales by 49%. Some of the key points they featured in the body copy was:
-making sure the valuable product benefits the customer
-avoid a sales hype by using a "personal tone" in your emails
-provide customer service by catering to their needs
-providing incentives

Ezine Publishing

Another thing you can do is an ezine. An ezine is an electronic magazine or an electronic newsletter. It is given to visitors or customers through emails. Ezine publishing can come useful in advertising and promoting new products or to give out information or advice as to what customers are looking for. The awesome research team of also did an experiment on Ezine advertisement testing have proven that ezine advertising has the potential to produce strong returns on investment. Companies do not really emphasized on them because of the lack of time or expertise to optimize these campaigns. These companies are making a big mistake because they do not realize the full extent of how much more money they could make online.

In every ezine you'd like to distribute out to your list, simply generate content in it and place the same advertisement. To know how many click throughs your ad is getting you can use a script called ProLinkz which is available at It would be great if your ad was a strong one with a good headline, preferably done with copywriting skills. Format the ad with good dimensions and make sure it stands out. Test out the various positions of where you put your ad and decide on a position which is proven to get more click throughs.

In Internet marketing online, in order to really understand the email marketing strategy you have to implement them. Understanding them and knowing how to do it is just the first step. Once you have practised and tried them, you'll see greater results in sales.

Copyright (c) 2007 Jo Han Mok

Jo Han Mok is a #1 bestselling author and a masterful planner in developing powerful strategies on internet marketing online. Find out how he can make you discover the internet millionaire within! Visit his website at Blog85634
Alana Blog50562

The Importance of Stories

Long before the advent of a written history, the elders of ancient civilisations used stories to teach the new generation. The lessons might have related to the values of the society, their particular version of how they came to be, their purpose on the earth, or methods of obtaining food or a spouse.

The most well known of the ancient stories were the civilisations particular version of how Earth came into existence and how they came to be here on earth. These are known as the great Creation Stories. Every civilisation had an explanation for what the Earth sun, moon and stars were, along with more intricate details of the place of fire, water, animals and humans in the ecosystem.

The Creation Stories of various civilisations include the Stories from Genesis in the Bible (the writer here makes no value judgement on the veracity of the account in Genesis, merely acknowledging it was part of Jewish oral history before the actual writing of the Bible), to the Dreamtime of the Australian Aborigines, along with the whole gamut in between. These two examples are used as bookends because the Stories in Genesis have been printed and distributed more than any other literary work, whereas much of the Australian Aboriginal account has yet to be even collated in one place, let alone set down in writing.

Over time, the stories were written down for ease of teaching. During this period, the Bible Stories, Aesops Fables, Homers Epics the Iliad and the Odyssey, along with countless other classics were recorded on stone, paper, papyrus or some similar form.

As literacy became more prevalent and written works were used for teaching purposes to a greater extent, the long, detailed stories were stripped of their emotional content and reduced to their bare essence. For example, the Seven Days of Creation in Genesis was reduced to what is now known as the Big Bang Theory. People slowly turned away from the richness of meaning behind the Creation Stories from each civilisation and sought after clear and concise explanations for the same questions.

Inevitably, the time came when history textbooks were written. Often these give merely the facts of a time, place or period. It was about this time that a clear separation between stories and facts emerged.

In the era when Voltaire and Rousseau were loudly proclaiming the supremacy of Reason and their theories regarding the absolute importance of being able to prove something for it to be real, the Grimm brothers and Hans Christian Anderson were quietly spinning their Fairy Tales, which were often so fantastic that they stretched the bounds of believability.

Nevertheless, what child has not heard the story of the Frog Prince, Beauty and the Beast, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, the Lion and the Mouse, or the tale of Snow White? What adult would not prefer to listen to a fairy tale or a fable over a list of bare facts teaching the same message.

Essentially, what we often associate as history is merely the moral of the story. It is the message that if you habitually lie, you will not be believed when you do tell the truth. Would you prefer to here an explanation of that line, or hear the story about the Boy who Cried Wolf?

To summarise, one cannot separate facts from stories. Stories have been used for millennia to teach the new generation. The next time you read a fact, realise that there is a story behind it. Indeed without the story, there would be no fact as the fact is the essence of the story. You be the judge of the importance of stories.

Mike Haydon has a Bachelor of History from the University of Notre Dame. This article is copyright (c) 2006. You may use this article as long as you provide a link to Blog98628
Arleyne Blog17891

What is an Aweber Autoresponder?

Autoresponder puts an online OR offline business on Auto-Pilot, by sending emails to your mailing lists.

I use it to automate my response to my mailing list, saving me valuable time.

When I am talking about valuable time saved, I really meant lots of times in terms of weeks.

How Autoresponders have helped many businesses is that it simplifies the follow-up of its mailing list members, even just to remind its members of their products or services.

When I first own my Autoresponder, I send out messages every few days. Some immediately after they have subscribed. Others at an interval of 2 to 7 days.

Within months of having my blog up, I got 500 members.

I use it to remind my 500 members of my latest post as well as to remind them of my offers of products and services.

I use it to guide my 500 members to the right resources that they want. I emailed them the exact links.

If I were to email them one by one, I dont think I have time to rest or spend time with my family.

Yes, initially I did. But I realize it was super tedious when my members grew from 10 to 500 over two months.

That is why I got an Autoresponder account to help me in my business.

An Autoresponder has been advertising for me, tirelessly, 24 hours a day / 7 days a week/ 365 days a year. It is always on Auto-Pilot.

There are many different Autoresponder companies. And I like Aweber best.

In fact, I signed up for GetResponse next so that I can have a second Autoresponder to manage my growing business. But GetResponses control panel is hard to use and understand. So I fired GetResponse. And I still love Aweber.

Awebers user-friendly user interface works well for newbies and even the experienced marketer. It is easy to maneuver between the options.

If you get your Aweber now, you will be able to:

*set up unlimited campaigns
*unlimited messages
*spam checker
*text or html-based messages
*manage your subscribers

As an added bonus, Aweber has a referral compensation program as well, so you can benefit by promoting your Aweber. And I managed to sell some accounts and now my Autoresponder is free.

So what you can do now to grow your business:

1. Identify a target group you want to market to

2. Come up with at least 10 follow-ups emails

3. The first email is always to welcome your subscriber and with the download of freebies e.g. free report or e-Book

4. Write down the time intervals you want to send these emails

5. Once you got your Aweber account, copy and paste the emails into the message boxes

6. Remember to on the click-tracking so that you can know how many of your members have clicked on the links

7. Let it run and you go to sleep

So, if you have a set of good marketing emails and are still sending them one by one, please stop doing it right now. To start getting the return on your investment that you deserve, get Aweber now!

Jhong Ren is the author for My Wedding Blog.To help other Internet Marketers, Jhong Ren has come up with a FREE Traffic Generation ecourse at Blog32676
Bambi Blog77126

URL Forwarding and Redirection

Webmasters and common Internet users have a constant need for URL forwarding and redirection. The reason is that there are many long URLs that are not convenient to use. The solution is using a URL redirection service that would create a shorter URL and forward the long URL to the short one. is a new free URL forwarding and redirection service that meets these needs. can instantly turn every awkward and inconvenient long URL into a handy and easy to use short URL. also allows you to choose your own suffix (the part after the "/" in the URL), so the URL will be easy to remember and represent the page it refers to.

So why would someone want to use it? Heres a few common cases:

For Your own use:

Lets say that you often search for the map of Brooklyn in Google maps. The URL is

Of course its not convenient to use and its impossible to remember.

Using URLic you can create this URL:

This can easily be remembered.

For emailing and posting:

Lets say that you want to post a long URL on your website or in an article or just send to

your friends in an Email or to you customers in a newsletter. Long URLs just dont look good. With you can create an Easy and Friendly URL for posting or Emailing.

For your website:

Lets say that you have a website or a webpage on a free web host, without you own domain.

The URL would be something like:

This is not easy to use, remember or tell people.

With you can easily create a URL like:

To hide your Affiliate link:

Lets say that you have affiliate referral links on your site, this links usually contain numbers and are not easy to use. Besides, many people know that these are affiliate links and dont want to click them. With you can mask these links into short and good looking links.

What are the other advantages of ? is a 100% WEB 2.0 website, built with AJAX. The meaning is that there are no page reloads of any kind, and the user experience is just like of a desktop application. also allows you to choose your own suffix, unlike some other services. When using the automatic URL (without choosing a suffix), will always give you the shortest possible URL.

All Rights Reserved to Eugine Campbell, Webmaster of Blog94489
Cassaundra Blog25142

The Importance of Using Student Credit Cards Wisely

Are you familiar with student credit cards? These credit cards are meant for college students, and are easier to get than regular credit cards. They can help a student establish credit, but they can also bring credit problems to careless students.

Student credit cards can be a source of temptation for college students. Young adults can be easily tempted to buy unnecessary things with their credit card, even if they do not have the money to pay for it. Eventually the balance they charged for their shopping sprees must be paid back.

If a college student is unable to pay the full amount within a certain period of time, interest will be charged. Credit card companies charge interest at a percentage of the over due balance. For instance, if a student has a $100 balance and the credit card company charges a 15% interest rate, the student now owes $115 to the credit card company.

The interest keeps adding up and eventually the student may end up paying only the interest, and their credit card balance is never going to be paid off. That is why the parents of college students should first explain the proper use of student credit cards to their children, before they allow them to get credit cards.

There are also a few things that should be examined before students choose a particular credit card. It is important to check the annual fee of student credit cards. An annual fee is a lump sum that some credit card companies charge to their credit card every year.

It would also be wise to look at the interest rate and other fees of student credit cards. There are cases where the interest charges can send a credit card over the limit. This will cause extra fees, and the student will be unable to use the credit card. Students should pay attention to the different terms and conditions of student credit cards, so that they can determine the particular credit card that is best for them.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Credit Cards. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog12718
Britte Blog81146

Amp'd Mobile Phones: Can Your Phone Do This?

Amp'd Mobile has phone features that are extraordinary and will meet the expections of the younger generation! Something that will being ringing in our ears will be, "Don't you wish your cell phone was hot like this?" Say good bye to live Larry King streaming video!

Amp'd Mobile is springing forward with such powerful features, that other cell phone companies will watch and learn. The most ingenuis marketing move is using viral videos. Amp'd Mobile phones will allow the use of not just listening to music, but also downloading crazy videos. The use of humor in marketing is extremely effective and is the driving force behind the success of many large corporations. When you see a person laughing at their phone, it just might be a funny video!

Amp'd Mobile cell phones will let you surf the web, play games, access sports information, download music at speeds that will make your jaw drop. Amp'd Mobile does claim to have the fastest speeds in North America! If your looking for some flashy style, that will make your friends take notice, then Amp'd Mobile will meet your desires. Be prepared for the ultimate in dazzling entertainment from Amp'd Mobile.

Let's take a quick look at Amp'd Mobiles cutting edge technology: Text and multi-media messaging support, a vivid 256k color display, EV-DO high-speed data access, a built-in camera with flash and video capture, push-to-talk/walkie-talkie functionality, and a built-in speakerphone. This has got to be the hottest high-tech candy for entertainment on earth!

Let's face it, we have become a society that is so strongly dependent on cell phone technology, that we cannot live without a cell phone. Asurion insurance is the company, that covers the Amp'd Mobile cell phones. If your phone is lost, stolen or damaged Asurion is the ultimate insurance provider. Keep in mind you will need to file a police report for lost or stolen phones.

Wireless Network Magazine said, "Amp'd Mobile brings communications to the next level by providing a smorgasbord of entertainment options to the cellular phones of their subscribers."

Imagine your out somewhere and you set your Amp'd Mobile cell phone down on a table, next thing you know it is gone! This is happening to a lot of Amp'd Mobile cell phone users and this will continue to increase. The Amp'd Mobile phones are very expensive and this makes them a desirable target for stealing.

If you have an Amp'd Mobile cell phone, do not set it down anywhere! Do not leave your cell phone in a car or lay it down in a cab seat! I have heard of cell phones being stolen out of a persons house, while entertaining friends! You may being asking yourself, "why would someone steal a cell phone?" People can use the phone and rack up thousands of minutes, so you want to contact your service provider and have it deactivated immediately. It is wise to have a back up for your cell phone contacts, just in case your cell phone is stolen.

If your phone is stolen and has a lot of personal pictures in it, then someone will be enjoying your personal life! Not to mention, your pictures could be uploaded to the internet! Again, you have to implement a strategy for protecting your cell phone. Worthless belt clips will lead to insurance claims and partying in night clubs is an easy way for someone to snatch your cell phone!

DeWayne H. Strickland has been a Film Freak since the time he could walk. Read crazy movie reviews and learn more about Ampd Mobile phones at: Blog62848
Cathi Blog93933

Expressing Yourself with Wall Tapestries

More and more people are employing the use of wall tapestries as key components of their vision for contemporary home dcor. The market for these dynamic works of art has flourished in the last 20 years, and the types of tapestries available have become as varied and diverse as the people who purchase them. As such, a newcomer interested in purchasing a tapestry for the home may become a bit overwhelmed by the sheer volume of choices available. Understandably, it can be hard to know where to begin when choosing the piece that is right for you.

Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference. After all, tapestries allow us to express ourselves and define our personalities. They are, in essence, an extension of who we are. So it should be no surprise that any decision regarding what to purchase will likely involve a great deal of heart and soul. Tapestries can essentially speak to us on a deeper level. However, the newcomer might be interested in a few tips for choosing the perfect tapestry.

Choices, Choices, Choices

First, lets consider some of the options available. Some of the more classic types of tapestries will have a historical twist to them, emulating Medieval, Renaissance, Neo-Classical and Baroque time periods, among many others.

Medieval tapestries in particular have become popular, because they represent a period in time which many consider to be a pivotal point in the development of tapestries for use as decorative art rather than for merely practical furnishing purposes.

Asian tapestries also offer a myriad of rich color schemes that are not only complex, but distinctive as well. What draws many individuals to some of these weavings is not only the incredible amount of detail prevalent in the pieces, but the emotions conveyed in them as well.

Many of the more traditional tapestries tend to focus on timeless, universal themes centered around love, human nature, death and tragedy. Perhaps this is why traditional wall tapestries have such a strong appeal. These artistic endeavors provide us with a connection to the past and a window into the evolution of human nature. We often find that we relate to the characters depicted in these scenes.

On the other hand, tapestries which are more contemporary in nature can give our dwellings a modern edge. These can range from surreal landscapes and abstract scenery to still life illustrations showcasing colorful floral patterns or elegant assemblies of wines, vines or fruits. Other popular delineations may include elements of nature, animals and wildlife, or nautical themes which exhibit various naval and maritime dramatizations at sea.

In addition, many artists some well known, and some not-so-well-known are licensing their works for tapestry designs. These include works by Thomas Kinkade, Linda Picken, Lena Liu, Nicky Boehme, Stewart Sherwood and Malenda Trick. A number of famous historical artists have also had their works developed into beautiful tapestries, including Vincent Van Gogh and Leonardo de Vinci. This provides an accessible vehicle for art lovers to make the transition to tapestries when developing decorative themes for the home. Of course, these are merely a few of the genres in which wall tapestries have been developed.

Ultimately, contemporary is whatever you want it to be. The wonderful thing about choosing a piece of art is that you can define what it means to you. And in many cases, tapestries may incorporate any combination of some the elements we have discussed. The key to choosing a great piece for your home is to find something that speaks to you.

An Affordable Investment

Believe it or not, you really do not have to break the bank to own a fine piece of art. While some tapestries sell for thousands of dollars, the market also offers a huge selection of affordable tapestries starting from as little as a few hundred dollars. Compared to what you might end up paying for an original art print, the value of wall tapestries can be immeasurable.

The reasonable cost of acquiring a piece that encapsulates an individuals identity means that wall tapestries have become much more accessible to the average person over the years. One does not have to spend a fortune to have a quality work of art in the home.

What is the Best Size for You?

Tapestries not only come in many styles, but they also come in many sizes. You may want to take the type of home you have into consideration when choosing a tapestry. First, consider where in your home you would like to see a tapestry placed. If you have a small room with limited wall space, you may want to consider using a smaller tapestry. Otherwise, large wall hangings can create a cramped feeling in the room.

Tapestries can come in sizes as small as 13 by 18 inches. They can also be rather large (27 by 36 inches, which is roughly the size of a standard poster). If you have a large wall in a big room, you will likely do well with larger wall tapestries. Some tapestries also come in sizes which are long and narrow, much like a banner. These types of tapestries are perfect for long hallways. It all depends on the style of living space you intend to decorate. Some tapestries can make your living space feel larger than it actually is, while others can have the opposite effect.

Other Factors to Think About

Choosing the perfect tapestry for your home also means taking into consideration the environment in which the piece will live. What type of furniture do you have? Is it ultra-modern, or do you have a lot of antiques? Depending on your answer, you may want to search for a piece that blends in with your theme. For example, you may want to consider a more traditional tapestry if you have a great deal of antique furniture pieces in the room.

As we mentioned, the size of the room can have a dramatic impact on the style of tapestry you choose. Every room is different. And different people have different objectives they are trying to accomplish with their dcor. If you have a large room that you feel creates too much distance between the people occupying it, perhaps you will want to purchase multiple small tapestries to bring about a more cozy feeling to the space. On the other hand, if you are dealing with a small room, you may want to consider a tapestry which conveys a sense of openness, such as a vast landscape or ocean.

Lighting is also something to think about when purchasing a tapestry. Do you have light fixtures that match your furniture pieces? Do you use table lamps or recessed lighting fixtures, or do you use a combination of both? If you are going for a modern feel, perhaps you will want to consider using chrome lighting fixtures to accent more abstract tapestry pieces. You want to make sure you have plenty of light to enjoy the color schemes of your tapestries, but you also do not want so much light that it detracts from the artistic displays themselves.

Staying True to Your Heart

In light of all the considerations, the main thing to remember about choosing a tapestry is to look for something that has meaning to you. You will need to be aware of your living space, the lighting conditions, the types of furniture present your home and the size of the walls you are intending to decorate. But none of these factors will make any difference if you are unable to connect with the tapestry on a personal level. Think of the tapestry as an extension of your personality and individuality, and then think of the other factors as influences on the piece.

Copyright © The Tapestry House, all rights reserved.

David Burr writes on a number of subjects for the Tapestry House including wall tapestries.Angele Blog94929
Celestyn Blog41106

A Health Care Degree Online Removes The Sting From Job Woes

If you are currently in the medical field and want to advance further, or are just now looking to enter the medical field, you may be wondering what your plan of attack might be. Seeking a better job with more responsibilities, or receiving a higher salary probably will require further education. Many people assume that a great job in the medical field requires years of medical school or many years of on-the-job training. This is not true. A good quality health care degree online allows you to enter the medical field or advance in it, and this sort of education program does not require you to quit your current job while you prepare for a better life.

The truth is, there is a great need for medical care workers right now. A growing, aging population requires plenty of care and there are simply often not enough trained, qualified healthcare workers to provide optimum care for everyone. It is not just nurses and doctors who are needed. People who are trained in medical transcription and medical assisting are also in high demand. In fact, these people are sometimes even in higher demand. Every company providing health care requires the services of people who know about medical transcription and medical assisting. There is a lack of trained professionals out there, which means that some companies and clinics are forced to outsource their work to overseas companies. By getting a health care degree online, you can get jobs in the exciting medical field often after only months of training.

The exciting thing about getting your health care degree online is that you can train for a real career that can truly help others. The potential for job satisfaction is huge, since once you get your degree you will be able to help people recover and enjoy great health. You will be able to directly and positively affect people's lives. At the same time, you will be able to enjoy career opportunities that afford good wages, excellent benefits, and plenty of room for advancement.

A health care degree online is great for adult learners. Whether you want to advance in the medical field or want to enter it, you may not be able to simply drop your current job and family responsibilities to purse on-campus education full-time. Getting a health care degree online is the perfect solution. As you hone your skills, you can attend your regular job, since online classrooms are open all the time, including those times when it is convenient for you to study. In many cases, online programs hire faculty with real-life experience, since these programs of study are geared towards teaching real-life skills. Rather than focusing on learning plenty of theoretical and abstract ideas, you will focus your time learning the actual skills you will need in your new job. As a nice bonus, you will save money, since you will only pay for your tuition and books.

Whether you want to enter a new field or want to advance in the health field you are already part of, a health care degree online is a very cost-conscious and time-smart way to study. With many opportunities now available in health care, an online program can start you specifically on a path of success towards an exciting and rewarding new job.

There are plenty of jobs now available in this field, and contrary to popular belief, you do not have to put your life on hold or get into six-figure debt in order to enter the field. Plus, as the population continues to age and health care becomes an even bigger concern, more opportunities may open up for trained professionals in the field. Make sure that you find an accredited program and speak to your chosen school about financial options. You may find that a new job opportunity can be yours more easily than you ever imagined.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers an accredited Health Care Degree Online program. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the program that is right for you.Ardene Blog51599
Brook Blog18372

Does Your Web Site Grow Your Business?

Any business, regardless of the size or complexity of its web site, can leverage their industry knowledge and marketing skill to engage consumer interest and increase sales. How? By using a simple Content Management System (CMS). Content is the core of every web site. Its how you tell your visitors who you are, what you offer, and why they should do business with you. How you design and manage the words and images that comprise your content is key to your success as an online enterprise.

Acquiring new leads, selling products, developing loyalty, educating consumers, and building your brand -- is that what your web site does? An effective web site should contribute to the growth of your business. All too often web sites are not built to capitalize on the potential of the Internet as a powerful business development tool. Your customers and prospects are using the Internet everyday to get information, do research, and to make decisions about who to do business with. A CMS will help you keep your information current, allow you to easily stay in touch with customers and let you show off your expertise.

What Is A Content Management System (CMS)?

A content management system automates the publishing of content on your web site. It makes creating, updating and archiving content easy and direct. A good CMS, such as the widely acclaimed Joomla (a free, mature and open source product), requires no special technology expertise to use. You simply login to your site through your favorite web browser, and update your pages.

By separating design from content, your design and layout navigation is programmed into your CMS by a qualified Web design firm. Can you use Microsoft Word? Your new CMS will be even easier. You add, edit, and save content, and your CMS automates the rest. You can control your entire site yourself, or let your marketing, human resources, or sales managers own their unique site sections. Even complex ecommerce sites become simple to update.

How Your Business Will Benefit

Keeping your site content current and accurate is good customer service. Your price changes, sales, and special event information should always be up-to-date. Publishing articles on your site to demonstrate your expertise will impress and educate customers and prospects. CMS lets you send informational emails and eNewsletters to customers who request them, manage events calendars, and even gives you Blogging and Discussion Group tools.

Your business gains complete control over information quality, improves consistency, and reduces site maintenance costs. The greatest benefits, of course, are how a CMS can help improve sales, increase user satisfaction, and develop lasting lines of communication with the public.

The Bottom Line

A scalable and feature-rich CMS is not expensive. Whether you need a simple site or complex eCommerce solution, a CMS like Joomla can handle the essential functions and interactivity almost any business requires, and much more. There are thousands of add-ons available that expand your web sites capabilities and features, usually for little or no cost.

Take a good look at your current web site. If its not earning its keep as a strategic business development and sales tool, it's time to convert to a CMS.

Deborah Kaufman is one of the founding partners of the award-winning small packages, inc., a web development and marketing company helping clients use technology and the Internet to increase revenues, boost efficiency and save money. For more information, you can visit their web site at Blog2425
Betty Blog72397

About Xoops---Pack of Information for the Newbie

When it comes to the creation of a content rich, large, dynamic website, you are invariably faced with several myths---strong enough to make you drop your plan altogether. One such myth is: it requires you to be a smart programmer to upload and run a versatile website like this. WRONG!! Getting and running a dynamic website of your dream become piece of cake without hassle or lot of efforts, when you are armed with a tool like XOOPS.

If you are a web host, Xoops can be a great CMS tool for you to easily create dynamic websites. Xoops acts as an ideal tool for developing dynamic community websites---big or small. If you want to create personal weblog or corporate intranet site, or a content rich informative portal----Xoops can be the ultimate solution for getting them and running.

To install it in your server, simply what you need are: a PHP-capable web server such as Apache and a database preferably MySQL.

To keep with the spirit of the type of your website, you can use the software differently.

As for example, Lite XOOPS can be used to create a small size personal weblog or journal. The news module that comes inbuilt with its core framework is enough for the purpose.

For a medium size website you need to make use of the additional modules such as News, Forum, Download, Web Links etc. These modules will help in building up of a community and facilitate interaction among the members and with the visitors.

A feature rich e-commerce site however requires development of some of the customized modules. You can download them free or buy from the outside developers. In any case, Xoops uniform user management system will help you to seamlessly integrate these modules with the core system.

There are some must-to install modules which you need to use as add-ons for a stronger foundation along with the core framework of Xoops. These are:

Security module (antivirus and firewall), additional editors (word processors), a backup module to protect the data, and a few diagnostic modules for managing the site.

Here is a brief guide of the locations from where you can download these add-ons.

Security (the Protector Module v3.0)

Backup (DB Backup and Restore)

Editors (Frameworks and Xoopseditors v1.10)

Diagnostics (XoopsInfo v2.12)

In addition to the above mentioned modules which are essentially administrative in nature, you need to download more modules to support the features like news, photo galleries, links, forums, wikis, blogs and games.

Here is the last piece of advice relating to the selection of the version. We recommend the latest version which can be found by clicking Download Xoops in the Xoops .org Community menu. The latest version---2.0.16 has been released in March 2007.

Fat Jack Hosting is the Internet Marketers Dream when it comes to hosting. Not only do we have great ongoing 24/7 support, but we understand the small business owner, entrepreneur and internet marketer because we are owned and operated by an extremely successful one. Thats why you get great customer service, tips, strategies and support. Go here right now to get your hosting account>> http://www.fatjackhosting.comBobbee Blog23203
Annette Blog5741

Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care

Our skin is of vital importance to our health. Our skin is responsible for providing protection from environment, providing us with an emotional sense of boundary, creating sensual awareness to communication with the "outside" world e.g. feeling pleasure or pain signals that are vital to our survival and well being.. How our skin feels physically often determines the way we feel emotionally.

Our skin is one way that we communicate information about ourselves to others. We blush, turn pale, signal "worry" or "stress"with wrinkles in our forehead or around our eyes and mouth. Our skin often is used by others to form an impression of our age, how much we are indoors or outdoors and our activity, through scars, wrinkles, colors, and texture of our skin. Our skin is a signal to ourselves and others about our overall health internally, externally, physically and emotionally. "How do I look?" i.e. "What are others seeing and, perhaps, thinking about me?", is a question about the appearance of our skin. This information comes from the tone, texture, firmness, and aroma of our skin.

Our skin is one of the largest "organs" of our body composing about 10% of our body weight. Our skin entirely replaces it's surface about every 60 to 90 days. Our skin eliminates waste, toxins, sends signals to our internal bodies, and actually breathes. Disturbances in our skin, e.g. eruptions, dryness, oil, rash, "age spots" wrinkles, blotches, etc are often an indication of our internal health..

Many of us have used synthetic prescription drugs, lotions, or creams, to care for our skin. Often these synthetic substances are accompanied by undesired and sometimes harmful "side effects". Our bodies are designed by nature to absorb and use substances that are natural. When an "unnatural", i.e. synthetic substance, is introduced into or on our body, it "interprets" that synthetic, unnatural substance as "foreign"or as an "invader".Our body protects itself either through the production of antibodies from our immune system or does not absorb these synthetic substances.

In contrast, our body readily recognizes, absorbs and uses natural substances as the appropriate material to use to build, repair and sustain itself. Our skin operates in the same way as the rest of our body in terms of what it will or will not absorb and use. Natural substances are recognized by our skin, internally and externally, as "welcome" ingredients for use in building, repairing, and sustaining itself.

There are many natural anti-aging skin care products we can use topically on the outer surface of our skin. All natural anti-aging skin care products contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and aromas from nature that our skin readily recognizes as appropriate for use. All natural lotions and ointments, help our skin to maintain it's healthy tone, texture, elasticity, aroma and to repair injury, discard waste, breathe properly, sense appropriately, release used skin cells, build new skin cells, protect us, and improve our appearance.. These all natural products contain amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, herbs, enzymes, aromatherapy oils, and other natural substances that support our skin health.

Remember that the most important factor in the health of our skin is our internal physical health. An important aspect of anti-aging skin care is healthy digestion and elimination. Our intestinal system is responsible for absorbing food, nutrients, and water and for eliminating waste and toxins from our bodies. When our intestinal digestive system is overwhelmed, it places an extra burden on our skin to increase it's waste disposal function. When our skin's waste disposal function becomes overwhelmed, we develop skin disorders. This is particularly true when we are tying to digest processed foods, dairy products, or other foods lacking fiber. Food becomes putrefied and toxic because it cannot be processed or eliminated properly. Our skin then attempts to remove these toxins. Pores may become clogged, inflamed, discolored, dry, or oily. If we want healthy anti-aging skin, we need to keep our intestinal digestive system functioning properly. We can help our digestive system with all natural enzymes, essential fatty acids, probiotics and fiber.

Digestive enzymes reduce large food particles so that the body can absorb nutrients and the entire body, skin included, benefits. Discolored skin, wrinkles, or blemishes, can be signs of enzyme deficiency and the loss of collagen that accompanies it. Digestive enzymes reduce free radical damage, help us remove toxins and maintain a healthy balance of beneficial intestinal microflora. Probiotics provide and maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora, vital to our intestinal digestive health and, in turn, the health of our skin. Beneficial flora promotes the health bacteria we need and destroys harmful bacteria that can lead to illness and infection. Unfortunately, synthetic prescription antibiotics destroy the good bacteria along with the harmful bacteria. Probiotics help restore the healthy microflora and bacteria after synthetic antibiotic use. Probiotics also help the skin to have healthy bacteria it needs and eliminate the growth of harmful bacteria.

All natural vitamins such as Vitamins A, C, and E are essential for anti-aging skin care. Vitamin A is needed for skin cell growth and renewal. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that fights free radicals, provides nourishment for the fat layer under the skin. Vitamin A deficiency results in dry, rough skin, eruptions, wrinkles, poor texture and tone. Vitamin C helps repair skin by building collagen and fighting infection. Vitamin C deficiency is connected to aging and ultra violet ray damage. Vitamin E also protects our skin from UV damage, reduces free radicals on our skin surface, and helps prevent the peroxidation of fats which results in skin cell damage.

All natural herbs improve complexion, help remove heat, toxins and swelling from our skin. Herbs can help lighten skin and maintain natural skin moisture..Herbs help prevent scar formation and facilitate new healthy skin growth.

Amino Acids fight harmful bacteria and viruses. Amino acids help carry vital oxygen throughout the body helping our skin breathe. Amino acids are part of facilitating enzyme efficiency and hormonal balance which is a major aspect of anti-aging skin care. Amino acids help stimulate collagen production. Collagen is the tissue that determines skin firmness. By increasing the production of collagen, amino acids can help our skin retain it's firmness, therefore reducing lines and wrinkles.

Essential fatty acids, EFAs, help our skin to become softer, smoother, and retain proper moisture content. Essential fatty acids have a very beneficial effect an the synthesis of prostaglandin hormones in our skin cells. Omega 3, an essential fatty acid, greatly benefits skin texture and may also help prevent the development of skin cancer and aging of our skin.

Our bodies produce Hyaluronic acid which is found to be abundant in young skin. The affects of aging and environment gradually reduces the amount of hyaluronic acid our bodies produce and maintain. Hyaluronic acid is important for our body's connective tissue, especially in our skin. Hyaluronic acid also helps to cushion, lubricate and provide needed flexibility for our skin.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is becoming well known for it's anti-aging effects and is a potent antioxidant that combats skin damage and helps repair past skin damage. Alpha lipoic acid provides great free radical defense especially when combined with other anti-aging antioxidants.Alpha lipoic acid is soluble in both oil and water. Alpha lipoic acid enhances the benefits of vitamins C and E and Coenzyme Q 10.

Coenzyme Q 10 helps decrease cellular oxidation in skin that accompanies aging. CoQ10 enters the layers of the epidermis and reduces the level of oxidation.. CoQ10 helps protect against UV light. CoQ10 activates phosphotyrosine kinases which prevents oxidation damage. CoQ10 is a very important natural nutrient for anti-aging skin care.

Our natural skin requires natural anti-aging skin care. Many all natural anti-aging skin care nutrients are available for us. They include amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, anti-aging antioxidants and anti-aging skin care formulas. We can help our skin externally through the use of topical all natural lotions, ointments, creams and solutions. We can keep our skin healthy internally through the use of all natural supplements, vitamins and formulas. Our skin keeps our internal system in place and protects our internal structure. Our skin provides valuable information about our overall health. Our skin is important not only for our appearance, but more vitally, for our complete well being.

Jennifer Kays has over twenty years experience with all natural health care products. Jennifer's mission is to share these all natural health care products through http://www.sweetmedicineessentials.comAlexandra Blog23173
Arlyn Blog63327

Change Domain Names

Do you have a domain name on your server and wish to change it? If so, then read on and find instructions below. However if you wish to change your domain name to a new web host or change the domain name on your current host, then you will need to contact your hosting company because those are changes you are unable to make on your own.

The changes need to be made on the registry of the computer, so you will have to have access to it. If you are operating a server from your computer at home or your office, then this is something you will be able to do when you want to change your domain names.

However, you should keep in mind that messing around in your registry can be tricky so make sure you know what you are doing before you change anything or you may make a mistake that leaves you unable to operate your computer at all.

Before you can change your domain name, you will have to break the trust connections which exist. You will have to remove it from both sides on the trust. Then terminate all of the back office services like Microsoft Exchange Server, Internet Information Server, and the SQL Server. Put all of these services on manual startup.

Now you can change the domain name on PDC. So you will need to reboot it which causes the entry to pop up on the WINS server so you can enter the new domain. If you apply WINS for NetBIOS in place of TCP/IP names resolution, then you will force the copying of the PDC primary WINS server onto all the other WINS servers which will transmit your entry you have for your new domain name.

Now, reboot. After you restart, you will also need to copy all WINS server information which transmits the entry and once that is done, you will have to reestablish your trust connections.

Now you will need to set up your back office services again and get them back online. Apply the start up button to bring up the account and once they are all online, switch back to automatic start up. Now just reboot the back office services in the correct order.

You will also have to change the domain names on every server and workstation. You may also need to change workgroup names. Once the domain change has synchronized through out the system, the domain name change is complete.

Jane Wyvern is an established freelance writer. You can find more of her writing at and Blog37429
Brinn Blog30379

State And Feds At Odds Over New Rules For Scoring Arizona Schools

The U.S. Department of Education changed its rules for measuring the progress of public schools during the 2005-2006 school year. The impact was devastating to the Arizona schools, which had more than 600 schools marked as failed. That is nearly three times as many schools as last year.

For the first time, the Arizona schools were forced to include AIMS test scores for reading and math of students, who are in their second or third year of learning English. Another change lessened the amount of help a school may give special education students in completing the AIMS test. Additionally, the Arizona schools now are required to expand the number of students tested each year. In the past, they tested students in the third, fifth, eighth and tenth grades. Now, the Arizona schools must test all students in grades three through eight, as well as high school sophomores.

Superintendent Tom Horne is outspoken on the federal mandates, calling them illogical and absurd. He cites that these changes are responsible for nearly 400 additional Arizona schools failing to meet minimum federal progress measures, with about 112 schools failing only because of the requirement to include the scores of students within their first three years of learning English. He vehemently stated that the new federal rules make it impossible for many Arizona schools to succeed. Many Arizona schools students have only arrived from Mexico the year before and cannot be expected to be proficient in English, making it more difficult for them to pass the math and reading portions of the AIMS test.

The only consolation offered by federal officials is for the Arizona schools to offer those students a translation of the AIMS test, making it easier for them to understand. Horne emphasizes the need for more time for these students. So far, federal officials ignore Hornes argument by stating that if a group of students are not counted, then they probably are not being taught.

Horne filed a lawsuit against the federal government in July 2006 to stop the inclusion of English as a Second Language student test scores until their fourth year of English language classes. Until the lawsuit is settled, the Arizona schools must continue to include these student test scores.

Horne, as well as many educators and administrators across the state, see the federal mandate as impractical. They say it paints an unfair picture of many reputable Arizona schools. They are concerned that the negative failed label and bad publicity will damage individual Arizona schools that have worked hard to maintain their otherwise high achievement levels.

In 2005, there were 54 Arizona schools that failed to meet the minimum progress measure four or more years in a row. In 2006, that figure increased to 66 Arizona schools. This mandate puts more Arizona schools on the road to potentially failing four years in a row, which means mandatory state intervention into those Arizona schools daily operations. If these failed Arizona schools continue to fail in future years, federal law requires the state to make even bigger changes, which usually starts with the replacement of principals and teachers.

Horne hopes to prevail through a favorable court decision. Otherwise, many Arizona schools soon will experience dramatic consequences.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Arizona schools visit Diana Blog76356
Celestyn Blog4729

The Power Of Getting A Health Care Degree Online

One of the most popular programs for online education today is that of the health care degree online. What makes this degree so desirable one might wonder? The answer is as simple as two words, job market. The current state of affairs in the world of health care is one of major need for workers. With a booming health care industry, there is pressure on potential employees to earn a health care degree online, instead of going a more liberal arts affiliated route.

If this is something that doesnt seem to make sense to you, simply have a look at your local paper's classified ads section. Under the help wanted ads, there should be a large block of advertisements dedicated to the health care field. This is why health care degree online programs make so much sense for those looking to get a job. It is the simple fact that if you sign up for a health care degree online program, you can count on the chances of getting a job after graduation much more than most any other field offered online today.

The average health care professional earns close to double the average wage per capita in the United States, and has a career filled with helping others. Obtaining a health care degree online can be the difference between making something of yourself in the near future, and spending another bunch of years figuring it out. This is because most people after college go through seven to eight jobs before they find their career. This is not the case when you have a health care degree online, because most people that earn their health care degree online have the pick of the litter when it comes to job selection in the medical field.

Another benefit of earning a health care degree online is the upward opportunity to earn future degrees in nursing, or even becoming a doctor. There must be a foundation for every building, and if you look at your career as a building, the health care degree online is your foundation. This is the cement that allows you to build a better, stronger, future for yourself, and your family. Many nurses spend time after earning a two, or four year degree, before returning to get their masters in nursing. It is often the case that some will achieve such comfort in their health care job without this degree, that they never go back and thus the wide open market for nurses today. Having a health care degree online can make you a better, more prepared person for the future.

Not everyone is prepared to earn a health care degree online, and it should be considered a major challenge for anyone that is interested in earning this degree. Simply because the job market is ripe does not mean that earning a health care degree online is an easy task, in fact, this is one of the more challenging degrees online today.

Some people are gifted with a knack for science, most of us are not, and it takes extra dedication to make earning a health care degree online a reality. This means that you will probably need to study more than your peers in other programs, and often will be faced with scientifically challenging puzzles, that arent easy to solve. However, for those that are able to tough it out, and earn this degree, the world literally is awaiting their arrival. For the first time in history there are more jobs in this industry, than there are people to fill them, that is why earning a health care degree online is the right choice for anyone that is ready for a great career in the health care industry.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Health Care Degree Online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Brynna Blog61396
Barbi Blog18052

Copywriting Makeover: Facts Vs. Fantasy (Part 1 of 2)

Time for a pop quiz! Name three products that sell better when a facts-based approach to copy is taken. Just off the top of my head I'd say computers, fax machines and microwave ovens. Now, name three products that sell best when the copy is romanticized. Travel, fur coats and jewelry are good examples. Knowing when to use facts and when to use fantasy was a problem had on one particular website page. Let's see how approaching the copy differently brought this e-commerce company greater success.

The Problems

One of the hardest things to learn as a copywriter is which focus or approach to take with copy. There are general guidelines to follow, but experience will tell you that there are almost as many exceptions as there are rules. However, in the case of's Moissanite jewelry page, it was obvious we had a clear lack of -- and a clear need for more -- emotion.

For those who may not be acquainted with Moissanite stones, they were originally created in a laboratory by a Nobel Peace Prize-winning scientist. They are made of a replicated mineral that was originally found in a meteorite that crashed to earth thousands of years ago. However, unlike cubic zirconia (CZ), they are extremely hard and do not form a cloudy appearance over time. Moissanite offers the brilliance of a diamond without the flashy price.

Now, the guideline goes: If you have a product that is unfamiliar to the marketplace, you will want to educate your site visitors while you sell to them. However, sometimes "educate" gets confused with "provide facts." This was one problem Julie's page suffered from.

As I read the original copy (which you can see here: terms like "replica" and "lab" and "wholesale" struck me as cold and undescriptive. Yes, they were absolutely true, but they completely disregarded the wonder and enchantment brought about by one of these manmade diamonds.

While a few words like "beauty" and "lustrous" were included, they did little to help a man feel proud and confident that he was choosing a gorgeous piece his wife or girlfriend would swoon over. It didn't evoke any emotions in women who lack the funds (and the desire!) to spend thousands on diamonds yet still dream of jewelry that was is unique as they are.

Another challenge was the page's so-so performance in the search results. Considering how horribly competitive most jewelry terms are with regard to search rankings, Julie's positioning for this page wasn't too bad. The Moissanite jewelry page usually bounced between positions 11 and 30 on the major engines. However, the goal was to push the page as high as possible while driving visitors deeper into the category.

The Solutions

The key points that needed to be made on the Moissanite jewelry page were these:

1) Moissanite is the next best thing to a diamond, closely replicating a diamond's luster, vibrance and quality.
2) Unlike CZs, Moissanite jewels are rare, not a victim of a flooded marketplace.
3) While not considered "cheap," Moissanite is definitely affordable.

To prepare myself for writing this page, I looked over the various other pages of the Julie's Jewels site. I wanted to dream a bit about the earrings, rings, necklaces and other pieces I that included Moissanite stones.

As I clicked from page to page, I took notes about what I saw, what I felt and how I reacted to the pictures of the jewels. I also went to various diamond websites. Since Moissanite is almost as hard as diamonds and since it so closely resembles the characteristics of diamonds, many of the adjectives used to describe diamonds would also be applicable to Moissanite stones.

Lastly, I thought about who would be buying these gemstones and why. Perhaps a man who truly wanted to impress his fianc, but who didn't have the money to pay for a one-carat or two-carat diamond ring. Maybe a woman who wanted a pendant that was truly exceptional, but didn't care to pay the extensive markup usually found on diamond jewelry. While the reasons might vary, the common denominators were that beauty and quality mattered as much as price. Once I had a good grasp of the target audience and the products, I set out to write a new category page.

In Part Two of this series, you'll see how the rewrite unfolded and what those changes accomplished for Julie's Jewels.

by Karon Thackston © 2006, All Rights ReservedAllegra Blog40908
Alis Blog85344

What If The Most Powerful Nation On Earth Was Iran?

Is everybody happy with the way the US is behaving as the worlds most powerful nation? No? Well, when has everybody ever been happy about anything? So lets think about what other nations might do a better job.

What if Russia had won the cold war? How much do you really enjoy vodka? And do you long to drive a Zil?

How about if China hadnt decided that military conquest would be too self-destructive and opted to give economic conquest a go? Wish you could dress like Chairman Mao? Or wonder when you look at the rulers in Beijing why you never see a woman? Could there be such a thing as the wonton ceiling?

Now lets move ahead to the contentious moment in which we find ourselves. Who qualifies as being especially pestiferous? Who else? Iran can. And the leaders there seem to think they have all the right ideas, not only for their own repressed populace, but as the way the whole world ought to conduct itself.

So lets go with that. Iran is now the most powerful nation of earth. What happens?

First, lets deal with the response. Nations worldwide rejoice. Even some people in America rejoice. They just love the fact that the U. S. is no longer the title holder.

Prime Minister Jacques Chirac, lounging in the lyse Palace, attired in a robe with a turban, Koran in hand, expostulated, Actually, Im looking forward to becoming a fundamentalist Muslim. All of France is. Weve had Western Civilization for long time and, to tell you the truth, we could use a change. So out with old like Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Rembrandt, Voltaire, Mozart, Beethoven and in with the new, he apostrophized, holding the Koran high, like my new favorite author Mohammed. Im just not quite sure how to break the news to the folks in Bordeaux that wine is now forbidden fruit.

Tony Blair, refusing to accept that Iran has any influence in the UK, addressed Parliament, maintaining, I dont care whos on top in Tehran. In England, were going to go on as we always have. That means weve still got Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Keats, Shelly and, yes, Dickens, too, and I wish you, one and all, a very merry Christmas!

And on the home front, President Bush requested TV time to address the nation, and said, Its my sad duty to tell you that the United States of America is no longer the most powerful nation on earth. We have surrendered the distinction to Iran. Worse yet, a lot of people around the world seem pretty happy about it. But we can be proud. We did our best to defend and spread freedom and democracy. A lot of people seem upset with that. So let me just say, lets see how much happier they are with Iran running the show.

Meanwhile, in Tehran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, now the leader of the unfree world, gave a speech acknowledging his newfound imperium. It was unexpectedly harsh.

Welcome to the first worldwide Iranian Empire. Darius couldnt do it, but Ahmadinejad did. Here are some new rules of conduct. Everybody is hereby ordered to buy a Koran. Start to memorize it. During your period of indoctrination, you are forbidden to read anything else. There will be a test in one year. All those who havent committed it to memory will be in danger of losing more than their memory. Next, all fashion houses in France, Italy, and 7th Avenue are henceforth only allowed to design conservative robes and turbans for men and bourkas for women. On a social note, no more dating. All parents must do the matchmaking. No more music. It is forbidden. No more drinking no wine, beer, hard liquor or the infidel beverages Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. No more bikinis, either. Were quite repressed sexually and we want you to be, too. More rules as soon as the mullahs who are really running the world give me my marching orders.

The reaction was swift and Ahmadinejad, who had by now acquired the nickname of Ahmadinejab, because he always seemed to be poking his fist in where it didn't belong, had begun to learn the harsh lessons of empire mainly, no matter how nice you are, or in his case, not so nice, the underlings will grumble.

Thus the great question came to hang over him like a scimitar. What is better, to be loved or feared? More challenging still, is either manageable?

Even as the most humble servant of Iran's Muslim clerics adjusted to his new role, a few people in scattered corners of the world began to ask, secretly and with fear of being detected even by their fellow fundamentalist family members, the most appalling question of all. Were they better off when the US was the most powerful nation on earth?

Tom Attea, humorist and creator of, has had six shows produced Off-Broadway. Critics have called his writing "delightfully funny," "witty," with "great humor and ebullience" and "good, genuine laughs." Caressa Blog82392
Aile Blog77796

Use A Low Interest Credit Card And Save

Learn How to Succeed at the Balance Transfer Game

If you use your low interest credit card wisely you can save some big money by taking advantage of credit card transfers. With a balance transfer you can take advantage of initial low (teaser) rates that are offered by major credit card companies. Teaser rates are usually good for three to six months after you receive the card.

Rates can range from 0% to 9% and they are beneficial to people who have large debts on credit cards with higher interest rates. By transferring the balance from your existing high interest card to the low interest credit card, you will save big money on interest.

So how do you succeed at the balance transfer game? If you follow these steps and pay attention to the warnings, you can save a great deal of money in interest.

First, this is not for everyone. This strategy is for people who are reasonably sure they are going to pay off their total credit card debt within the introductory period. When you switch to your low interest credit card (also known as a 0 apr credit card or low apr credit card), the initial term is usually for six months. When that period is over, the interest rate will go up, sometimes a great deal. If you are able to pay your total credit card debt off within the initial period, the card will be very beneficial. However, if you are unable to clear the total debt within the introductory period, your monthly payments will increase. This can greatly reduce any benefits you would have gained during the initial period.

Second, shop around for your low interest credit card offer. Choose a card that waives transfer charges for balance transfers in the initial promotional period. Be sure to remember that most banks treat credit card transfers identical to cash advances. Also, the transfer may be subject to daily interest fees, which can add up quickly and often there is no grace period where interest isn't charged. The costs of transferring a large balance in these cases can be astronomical.

Always read the fine print when applying for a credit card. Be aware of the term 'flat balance transfer', which will cost you fees on all balance transfers. You must be knowledgeable of the cost of all balance transfers. If you find nothing on the credit card application, ask a banking representative if there are any flat balance transfer fees.

Next, take advantage of the credit card grace period. Transfer the balance on your high interest card to the low interest credit card before the payment due date that appears on your bill. Most credit card companies offer a grace period of between 25 and 30 days. After the due date, interest is charged on the outstanding balance. If you transfer the balance before the due date, you will save money on interest. Some credit card companies offer no grace period. In this case, you are charged interest from the moment you charge an item or from the day you transfer your balance. Do not apply for credit cards that do not offer a grace period.

Now that you have transferred your balance to the low interest credit card, you will begin to receive your monthly bill. Always pay before the due date and always pay more than the minimum payment, which is the lowest payment you can make if you wish to keep your card and your credit history in good standing. Why? Because minimum payments usually pay only the accrued interest or a portion of it. That means the principal remains at the same amount that it was before you made your payment. You will not be able to pay off your total credit card debt within the low interest introductory period. And that defeats the purpose of using the balance transfer strategy.

Balance transfer to a low interest credit card is a good short term strategy, but don't use it over an extended period of time. The key is to take advantage of the low interest introductory period to save a great deal of interest while you completely pay off your balance.

You, and only you, are responsible for your credit card debt. Use your low interest credit card wisely and it can save you hundreds or thousands of dollars each year.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides information and solutions.Bambi Blog34291
Bella Blog63179

Developing Your Lesson Plans

As a homeschooling parent you are acutely aware of how important it is to have daily plans and be organized. Everyone has their own methods and tactics. And most of these plans certainly werent perfect right out of the gate and have evolved over time.

As homeschoolers one of the greatest benefits is that of having great flexibility with how you educate your child. But even with this great educational flexibility you shouldnt really be sailing without a compass.

When it comes to educating, that compass is your lesson plan.

Although homeschooling generally doesnt require exacting lesson plans to be turned in, however, not having one at all certainly isnt a good approach to your childs education.

Lets take a look at some general concepts and commonalities about lesson plans that may assist you in developing yours.

First of all, you have to start your thinking with what it is you are going to teach. From there, youll need what your objectives for the lesson are. In other words, youll want to be able to observe specific behaviors your child is going to be able to do or perform as a result of your teaching. You want the outcomes of your teaching to be measurable and quantifiable; so the more specific the better it will be.

With this in mind youll want to be descriptive with your objectives. This not only provides feedback on how your child is progressing, but it also gives you as the educator great feedback on your effectiveness. You should also have some sort of description or statement of how you will determine whether your lesson plan objectives have been met.

Take some time to determine what your child already knows about the subject matter and what it is they need to know (prerequisites) in order to successfully complete the lessons.

As you are making your first pass at your lesson plan, be sure to include somewhere in it any materials you will need to accomplish the objectives that you have described. Materials not only necessary for the lessons themselves; but be sure to include any materials you may need for the evaluation process.

Of course your lesson plans will include much greater detail than is given here, but just to get you started here is a quick outline or review of the thought process that goes into putting a lesson plan together.

Determine what it is you are going to teach and what the priority outcomes of your teaching will be what your child will be able to do as a result of completing the work and the activities contained in your lesson plan.

Determine what it is your child already knows about this subject matter or will need to know. Having a grasp on this will allow for a smooth transition into your current planning and into the next or related level of the subject.

Have a plan on how you are going to facilitate the learning of this subject matter. Be sure to think about any materials that you will need, such as manipulative objects for your child.

And finally, have a method of evaluation; both for the behavior of the child and the effectiveness of your lesson plan and your teaching techniques.

Once you make the loop a few times through the lesson planning process youll soon develop a template that works best for you. Using a detailed lesson plan will greatly increase the efficiency of your teaching as well as the quality of the childs learning time.

Mary Joyce is a former educator & homeschooler who's website offers resources and articles on, & more.Celestine Blog52849
Cari Blog33326

Elite MP4 Player

Elite MP4 Player Digital Camera Gadget - Exclusively Released By China Wholesale Distributor ElectronicsMass.Com

This new handheld video-player device is only 100mm in length, 13mm in thickness - or should we say 'thinness', and weighs under 100g. Yet despite its portable size it packs in an impressive list of features.

The MP4 Player can play hours of video on its large full color 2.4-inch screen, as well as MP3 and WMA music. What really sets it apart is the digital camera, built into the back of the chrome metal chassis, enabling the user to take high quality videos and photos to store on the onboard memory or SD card. Another unique feature is its built-in speaker so there's no need to use earphones to listen to songs. But if you want to use earphones, there are two jacks so you and your friend can both listen at the same time!

Many wholesale electronics buyers ask what 'MP4 Player' means. They are accustomed to referring to digital music players by the name "iPod" as if it is a generic term ("iPod" is a trademark of Apple Inc.) But with the growing worldwide popularity of such products, "MP4 Player" is rapidly becoming a recognised phrase - evidenced by increasing searches for this term in internet search engines.

We find that many consumers preferring our Made In China flash MP3 and MP4 Players over well-known big brandname music players. For a start, they're very low priced with great quality. And using them, even for beginners, is completely intuitive.

All the MP4 Players sold by ElectronicsMass.Com boast plug-and-play USB connection to PCs and require no software to be able to copy music and videos to and from the device's memory. All the devices come with an English menu, English instructions, and recharger power adapters to suit the delivery country.

The new "Elite" MP4 Player is the latest in a range of over 200 different portable multimedia players (PMPs) offered at wholesale prices for buyers worldwide. Importers can view at for more detail informatons.

The new Elite MP4 Player with Camera SD Slot can be found on ElectronicsMass.Com in three different capacities: 512MB, 1GB, 2GB - which can store over 60 hours of music. Because flash memory requires no moving parts, the internal battery gives several hours of playback on one charge.


Elite MP4 Player with Camera SD Slot- 2.4 inch Screen

Listen to MP3 Music and Watch Videos in AMV at 30FPS (conversion software supplied for other video formats)
Record Video at 25FPS (digital camcorder)
Take digital photos - 1.3 MegaPixels
View your stored photos in JPG, BMP, and GIF. Picture can be rotated on the player screen.
Built in mobile phone style illuminator for added light in pictures or video recording

Note: When in Photo or Video Record mode, press the left button to access camera menu, and then choose flashlight setup for pictures or lamp setup for videos to switch this function on or off.

FM Radio
SD /MMC card slot - expands storage up to 4GB
Recharges directly from computer via USB. Also included is a USB-power adapter which lets you plug the player in for recharging in a normal mains socket. Works with both 110V and 220V. Socket adapter supplied by Chinavasion according to delivery destination.
FCC and CE compliant.
Dimensions: 100 x 65 x 13 mm
2.4-inch screen (240x320)TFT display


Built-in speaker
3.5mm standard microphone jack
ID-3 tag support
Super-long VOX voice digital recording from built-in microphone
7 Equalizer settings
Menu languages: English (default)/ Arabic / Chinese
Built-in Li-Ion rechargeable battery giving up to 8 hours playback on a single charge
Additional functions: built-in games; phone book; text file reader; photo slideshow

This MP4 Player is sourced direct from the factory in Shenzhen, China. It's available to buyers worldwide unbranded; however, ElectronicsMass.Com also offers OEM branding options for business importers.

China is already the factory of the world, and it's becoming increasingly common to see technical innovation coming direct from Chinese manufacturers. The market in China is already very open. More and more importers are establishing wholesale sources here in China. But it's never too late to start. With so many new products around there are endless profit opportunities, and consumer electronics are known to be some of the most profitable products to import.

About us: ElectronicsMass.Com is a Professional Electronics Exporter and Wholesaler with direct cooperative factories located in China Mainland. Consumer Electronics, Latops and PC Parts,Car Audio and Home Electronics are our main products. We also keep on developing more and more new and good products to meet the demand of our customers.Bess Blog98201
Ann Marie Blog93443

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