5 Tips For Dating
1. Ask powerful questions
Asking powerful questions is important in finding out about the other person. For example, you can use words such as what, where and how. These kind of words cannot lead to a simple yes or no answer. Instead they give the other person the opportunity to give a more comprehensive answer. Apart from that you may need to ask more specific questions at certain times. For example, if she says 'I'll call you soon' you may want to ask something like 'When should I expect a call'. Asking for more specific information will avoid misunderstandings!
2. Reality checks
Before you judge the other person, be aware that your beliefs and values are based on your reality, which doesn't mean your beliefs and values are right or wrong. We are all different and your date's beliefs and values may not match yours. Knowing and understanding this will make you more flexible and understanding of others, including your dates.
3. Avoid assumptions
Unfortunately, assuming is something we do a lot. So, instead of thinking 'She/he is probably doing this to blah, blah, blah...', ask! It's better to find out than to do guess work. And, if the other person doesn't seem to respond to you straight away, it doesn't mean that he or she isn't interested. Perhaps they just need to get to know you better before they demonstrate any kind of interest.
4. Build rapport
Rapport is the presence of trust, harmony and co-operation in a relationship. If you have rapport with a person you will make them feel like your ally, your partner.
You can create rapport by creating commonalitites! You can do this by matching their language, breathing, gestures, facial expression and voice.
5. Be confident
Confidence can open many doors for you. When you are confident people will have more trust in you and your abilities. Even, if you don't consider yourself to be a confident person....ACT AS IF YOU ARE!
Evina Jacoba is a Life Coach and the Author of the book 'The Art of Dating'. She facilitates workshops for businesses and individuals and has been featured on various radio stations throughout Australia. Evina applies her knowledge from experiences and combines it with the NLP methodology. NLP involves the study of patterns that are created by the interaction of the brain, language and the physical body. It is a system which can be applied to create powerful changes in our lives. Evina lives spends time between Australia and the UK and is owner of Love-chef.com). Anet Blog81411
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